domingo, 7 de abril de 2024

Sacredeath re-releases its classic Albums

sacredeath has already become one of the biggest bands in Brazil and the world, with great albums released, shows with great bands from the metal world, the band in April made available to their fans, the two albums with the original lineup, the live wakcen battle of 2011, and their first demo in 2006, without a doubt the band is one of the ones that produces the most, the band released the dream and illusion which reached 1st place in Russia and Ukraine, with soldiers listening to their music in the middle of the war. At the end of 2023, he released the Guardians of Death demo, which came in 3rd place in the popular vote in Brazil. Sacredeath is one of those bands that deserve their legacy throughout the metal world.If you don't know the band, then listen, because the band wasn't acclaimed by Roiad Crew magazine as the new metal band in the world for nothing.

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