terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2024


CHERYM are more than just your average pop-punk band. They are a band of misfits seeking to explore genres while expressing exactly what is on their minds. Hailing from Derry, they entered the scene determined to make their mark. The spark was lit when founding members Hannah Richardson and Nyree Porter had the incentive to start a band in high school. Vocalist/guitarist Hannah comments, “we did it because we thought: the boys are doing it, so why can’t we?”

Like many bands starting out in the DIY scene, they did so without knowing what to expect. With a basic knowledge of the guitar, Hannah helped build a legacy from the ground up. Moreover, they sang to become the voice they wanted to hear growing up. They didn’t know what kind of music they wanted to put out there, but they knew they wanted to be part of the scene. Fast-forward six years, and their debut album Take It Or Leave It sees the light of day. The band have performed at American and UK festivals, and have recently completed on a UK tour of their own.

CHERYM represent the under-represented. While the representation of female, queer and non-binary musicians is getting better, there is still work to be done. The band wastes no time in claiming their space. They prove this while they, in their own words, are “unapologetically themselves”. Hannah says, “we do not tolerate a single bit of bigotry. We want to find the people who will resonate with our music and find themselves through it too.” Through doing so, the band have crafted a safe space for fans old and new.

When asked to describe their music in three words, “Punk. Rock. Realism”, are the words Hannah chooses. And they are right, their songs do revolve around those things. When talking about their latest album they say, “it has taken us a long time to get to the point where we can say exactly what we want to say. Our album is a wee bit more outspoken and I think it is way more exciting to see how it will resonate with the fans and anyone who has listened to our music before.” Musically, CHERYM is a band for hard-hitting topics that need to be voiced, made more palatable through a rock, pop-punk sound. “We stand for our politics,” Hannah says, meaning the politics of the band and what they have been through. Among such politics are religious trauma, the queer experience and being neurodiverse in a neurotypical world.

There is an endless amount of proof that CHERYM are here to conquer. ‘You can keep your comments, comments, comments off my body’ sings Hannah in Alpha Beta Sigma. The song name-drops Andrew Tate who should know drummer Alannagh Doherty is a trained martial artist with a blue belt – they reveal in a fun fact – should he decide to come for the band.

Undeniably, speaking on a breadth of personal topics is the key to their success. Musically, they are inspired by a range of artists. “We are influenced by the punk scene,” Hannah says. “I like a lot of music from Riot Grrrls because it was the first time I saw women doing loud, shouty music.” They are influenced by bands like BIKINI KILL. Meanwhile, drummer Alannagh draws inspiration from the likes of GREEN DAY, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE and METALLICA. “As a drummer, you can’t just sit in the back – you need to put your stamp on things,” Alannagh comments. The amalgamation of bands makes CHERYM who they are today: rockers the world needs to see. And they mean business. They are evolving their sound. Alannagh says, “[Our] EP Hey Tori was like ‘let’s play around with ideas’. But our latest album [Take It Or Leave It] is more serious.”

You may ask: is their live performance as exciting? Well, the answer is yes. An attendee of a CHERYM live show can expect “Lots of energy and loud noise. A whole load of fun…All craic, no crap!” Alannagh says. A memorable show for the drummer was with NOVA TWINS at Glasgow’s King Tuts where the energy was particularly high. “People were bouncing and I was like ‘oh my god, they are gonna go through the floor!’” Evidently, adrenalised fans like those in that crowd live to tell the tale.

CHERYM’s plans for world domination involve new music “a lot sooner than people think, and a couple more surprises that we can’t talk about!” Alannagh hints. Furthermore, the band’s tenacity has earned them a support slot on the Irish leg of the ENTER SHIKARI tour. For a band going against so many odds, there is no stopping them yet.

Take It Or Leave It is out now via Alcopop! Records.

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