segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2022


On Saturday, September 3, the Foo Fighters celebrated the memory of drummer Taylor Hawkins at a special tribute show at Wembley Stadium in London, England. The massive show included appearances by Brian Johnson (AC/DC), Lars Ulrich (Metallica), Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson (Rush), Wolfgang Van Halen (Mammoth WVH), Brian May and Roger Taylor (Queen), and many more.

Shane Hawkins, the son of Taylor Hawkins, joined Foo Fighters to perform the second last song of the night, "My Hero". Pro-shot video can be viewed below.

ORIGIN - CHAOSMOS September 2, 2022, 2 days ago (NUCLEAR BLAST) Greg Pratt Rating: 8.0

US tech DM shredders Origin never disappoint, really, and here on their eighth full-length the band surprise right out of the gates by dropping the most memorable riff they've ever laid down, “Ecophagy”'s opening being something you'll actually... remember... after the album's done. And as much as I love Origin, I've never actually remembered anything they've written once the music ends.


So, solid start to what is, obviously, a solid album, the first seven songs racing past in a brisk 33 minutes or so, and then closer “Heat Death” taking a solid 11 more minutes to do its thing (well, kinda ends after eight minutes, but who's counting?). It's a smart way to sequence the record; also smart is how the title track shreds and flails until its ending riff, when things slow down to a sludge, and then “Cogito, Tamen Non Sum” brings the drum workshop we knew was coming, and “Panoptical” follows it up with the guitar workshop we also knew was coming. So, sure, it's Origin, but it's just so perfect, the production so crisp and clean, the playing so energized and economic, the band showing a new, sharper sense of songwriting, again displayed on the breakneck “Decolonizer”, which takes Wolverine Blues-era Entombed near-d-beat swagger and death-and-roll stomp and filters it through new-school American tech DM for quite a song indeed.

And here we are, talking about songs on an Origin record, “Cullscape” continuing the streamlined focus on hooks but never losing the chops we all flock to Origin for, and then the aforementioned “Heat Death” a massive, groove-and-tech-infused whiplash of a closer, with what could almost even be called a vocal hook in there, Origin really nailing the point home that they've never been more focused and sharp, and also never smarter with their songwriting..



One of the most anticipated releases of 2022, Toxik is finally back with a new full-length 33 years after Think This. Dis Morta is chaotic, technical thrash metal that artfully blends the band’s first two albums. Josh Christian, the sole remaining original member, is the star of the show displaying guitar gymnastics to the greatest degree and singer Rob Iglesias fits in with a vast range of vocal theatrics to complement the sharp music.

There’s much to digest in this 44 minute flurry of action as there is a whirlwind of speedy numbers, abrupt transitions, and turbulent rhythms. Title track and opener “Dis Morta” displays menacing guitars with Iglesias belting out the highest of shrieks, but proceedings pick up on the swirling, shark attack of “Feeding Frenzy”. The go-for-the-throat, all-out thrashers are the star of the as the 3-minute “Straight Razor” is unrelenting while the highlight “Devil In The Mirror” starts with a piano (!) before erupting to a lightning quick speedster. “Hyper Reality” features a robotic, strange rhythms similar to Voivod while “Creating The Abyss” comes in with mathematical precision which could fit right on Think This.

The best part is all the guitar histrionics from Christian; the guy is showing off his abilities, but it stays within the confines of the song. On multiple listens, different guitar parts stick out and the ending of “The Radical” leaves an exasperated expression of “How the hell is this guy playing this?” Some modern sensibilities eek their way in on occasion with the riffing and in the production effort, but Dis Morta is well worth the wait. Fans of Heathen, Coroner, and Watchtower will want to get their hands on this beast.



While “deth” is in the name, Dave Mustaine and his band of mercenaries are anything but dead. Battling medical problems, lineup changes, and other assorted issues, Megadeth are back in full force with The Sick, The Dying…And The Dead! With inspired songwriting, machine gun thrashing, creative compositions, sharp transitions, and rapid soloing, Megadeth keeps taking no prisoners almost 40 years into their career.

The stand out musician is Dirk Verbeuren – Mustaine knew what he was doing bringing the former Soilwork sticksman into the fold. His drumming pops with precision technicality, brief, but effective extremity, and breathtaking speed. Backed by a professional, sturdy performance by Testament’s Stevie Di Giorgio on bass (love that bass riff on “Night Stalkers”), Mustaine and Kiko Loureiro display ferocious leads and riffs that Megadeth has been known for since their inception. Mustaine also sounds surprisingly strong vocally – a bit fatigued in some areas (the performance on the promising “Sacrifice” misses the mark) – but overall couldn’t ask for better considering his age and conquering throat cancer.

Highlights include the eerie, ominous title track with memorable soloing towards the latter part of the cut which immediately segues into the comforting assault of “Life In Hell”. This is Megadeth in their pocket here, doing what they do best with fast tempos, meaty riffs and angry vocals. Single “Night Stalkers” shows impeccable transitions and even though the Ice-T cameo is misplaced, the “game over bitches” line is unintentionally hilarious. “Dogs Of Chernobyl” features well-written lyrics about the horrors of nuclear radiation which holds a smoldering, mid-tempo viciousness that erupts to a thrashing end complete with flawless soloing...

The above tracks are the first four and the middle cuts (not including the two bonus tracks) lag a bit with the standard riffing of “Junkie” and the awkward segue of short instrumental “Psychopathy” into “Killing Time” – which sounds like an outtake from the United Abominations era. Single “Solider On!” came off a bit ordinary with rudimentary rhythms and Mustaine dominating with his vocals, but is better in the context of the album.

“Célebutante” is bound to go down as the sleeper gem as it bleeds Mustaine’s NWOBHM influences. Love the gnarly, menacing riff in the mid-section of this song. “Mission To Mars” is also a fun, goofy romp lyrically; it’s hard not to chuckle at the lyrics, especially the chorus line “I hang with the man on the moon, I’ll be there soon.”

“We’ll Be Back” is the closer and triumphantly states the mission of MegaDave and crew. The bonus cover tracks of Dead Kennedys’ “Police Truck” and Sammy Hager’s (with the man himself on as a guest) “This Planet’s On Fire” are energetic and make for enjoyable listens.

The Sick, The Dying…And The Dead! doesn’t match the explosiveness of 2016’s Dystopia, but is miles better than the slog of Th1rt3en and the careless, insipid Super Collider. Now rattle your God damn head!



Guitar legend Steve Vai has checekd in with the following update:

"Alan Berry (The Tapes Archive) is a filmmaker and has created an informative, quasi-animated, and at times hilarious short film on the first 30 years of my career. It drops Sept 7th on his YouTube channel. Enjoy!"

The 77-minute Steve Vai-approved documentary has been in the works for over a year and a half.

The documentary covers the life of Steve Vai from his birth in 1960 until after the release of his landmark album Passion And Warfare in 1990.

The documentary covers:

• His first guitar
• Learning from Joe Satriani
• Berklee College of Music
• Frank Zappa
• Flex-Able
• Alcatrazz
• Crossroads
• The David Lee Roth band
• Ibanez JEM guitar
• Whitesnake
• Passion And Warfare

The documentary has hundreds of Vai-centric facts and stories that even the most ardent fan will not have known. Complete with a Vai’esque quirky sense of humor and never before seen photos and rare videos.



De acordo com a Rolling Stone , um juiz rejeitou a terceira versão do processo contra o Nirvana movido pelo homem que afirma ser o bebê que apareceu na capa do álbum clássico da banda, Nevermind (1991). Em uma decisão na sexta-feira, o juiz distrital dos EUA, Fernando Olguin, em Los Angeles, disse que Spencer Elden esperou muito tempo para reivindicar a foto do bebê pegando um dólar em uma piscina violando os estatutos federais de pornografia infantil e argumentando sobre exploração sexual infantil. Elden também afirmou que a imagem na capa foi tirada e usada sem o seu consentimento. A decisão de Olguin impede Elden de apresentar uma quarta versão de sua queixa.

“Em suma, porque é indiscutível que [Elden] não apresentou sua queixa dentro de dez anos depois de descobrir uma violação… o tribunal conclui que sua reclamação é prematura”, escreveu Olguin na decisão de oito páginas. O juiz continuou: “Como o autor teve a oportunidade de resolver as deficiências em sua reclamação em relação à prescrição, o tribunal está convencido de que seria inútil conceder ao autor uma quarta oportunidade de apresentar uma queixa alterada”.

Em uma moção, de dezembro de 2021 para dispensar, o Nirvana, assim como a viúva de Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, pediram ao tribunal para rejeitar o processo, dizendo que a alegação de Elden de que a fotografia na capa de Nevermind é pornografia infantil é “sem gravidade” e insistindo que sua reivindicação está “prevenida pelo estatuto de limitações aplicável”. A lei federal de pornografia infantil tem um prazo de prescrição de 10 anos, começando quando a vítima “descobrir razoavelmente” a violação em si ou o dano causado por ela.
Em 3 de janeiro de 2022, o juiz Fernando M. Olguin, que presidia o caso no Tribunal Distrital dos EUA, na Califórnia Central, rejeitou o caso depois que Elden perdeu seu prazo de 30 de dezembro para apresentar uma oposição à moção de indeferimento dos réus. No entanto, Elden teve a opção de apresentar novamente um processo alterado até 13 de janeiro, o que ele fez. No processo alterado, Elden alegou que o Nirvana “intencionalmente comercializou a pornografia infantil retratando Spencer e alavancou a natureza lasciva de sua imagem para promover o álbum ‘Nevermind’, a banda e a música do Nirvana, enquanto ganhava, no mínimo, dezenas de milhões de dólares no total.” No entanto, a segunda queixa alterada retirou uma queixa relacionada ao tráfico sexual. O processo anterior de Elden alegou que os réus “conscientemente se beneficiaram da participação no que eles sabem ou deveriam saber que é um empreendimento de tráfico sexual”.

A fotografia da capa de ‘Nevermind’ foi tirada em 1991. Era mundialmente famosa até 1992. Muito antes de 2011, como Elden afirmou. Elden sabia da fotografia e sabia que ele (e não outra pessoa) era o bebê na fotografia. Ele está plenamente ciente dos fatos da suposta ‘violação’ e ‘lesão’ há décadas.”

A moção continuou dizendo: “Além de sua alegação de pornografia infantil, Elden alegou que a criação da fotografia para a capa do álbum envolvia o tráfico sexual de Elden quando ele era bebê. Deixando de lado que essa premissa é absurda, o estatuto que Elden invoca para cobrir conduta em 1991, entrou em vigor em 19 de dezembro de 2003 e não tem aplicação retroativa à conduta por um réu que seja anterior à sua data de vigência.”

No final do ano passado, Elden alterou seu processo contra o Nirvana para incluir a alegação de que o fotógrafo contratado para tirar a foto, Kirk Weddle, também tirou imagens de Elden com estilo para se parecer com o fundador da Playboy, Hugh Hefner. O novo arquivamento também descarta o ex-baterista do Nirvana, Chad Channing, como réu no caso. De acordo com a Rolling Stone , a primeira reclamação atualizada de Elden citou entradas de diário pessoal do falecido vocalista do Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, que foram publicadas pela Riverhead Books, em 2002, em uma aparente tentativa de provar a alegação de que o fotógrafo pretendia que a imagem da capa fosse de natureza sexual.

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2022


The band sacredeath released this year the album the dream and illusion, on all digital platforms, one of the best album of the band after spreading death, the vocalist and guitarist and leader of sacredeath allex murder is releasing a series of videos with the vocals, allex has already been compared to chuck's vocal from the band death, and according to the vocalist to show the raw vocal as it should be, the musician is with several projects at the moment, we already have a new ep of sacredeath ready for 2022, we will release a dvd in celebration 15 years of bands with images and backstage of the show, interviews and a live set list, in addition to a tour through Brazil and Europe in 2023..

the video will be on the 03/09/2022 at 20:00 pm..