sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2024


There is a really exciting moment at the beginning of a band where there are no preconceived notions on what something should sound like. For VOWER, a project amalgamated from the bare bones of Rabea Massaad [TOSKA], Josh Mckeown [PALM READER] and Joe Gosney and Liam Kearley [both formerly of BLACK PEAKS], with bassist Rory McLean, sonically they rest on heavy foundations of the bands that came before, but have instead created something entirely ferocious and new.

Bringing the best out of the post-hardcore supergroup, they released their new EP Apricity earlier this year, which we ranked a solid 9/10 in our review and appear to be one of the most promising voices in alternative music. Ahead of their Radar Festival set, we chat to Joe and Josh about the direction of the band, their evolution of their sound and new music on the horizon.

The project started when Liam and Rabea started making music instrumentally, putting the bare bones together for what would become VOWER. Through a few different iterations, with the band almost putting the project to bed entirely, it was picked up again as Joe was asked to play some shows with PALM READER. From there, the stage was set to start recording new music.

As most of the band were based in Brighton, vocalist Josh would come down to do recording sessions of “intense energy”, with Shroud being the first song he recorded the vocals for. However, it was In The Wake Of Failure that made them realise that the project was worthwhile. Joe says, “I got sent a demo straight afterwards and I remember really clearly where I was walking. I listened on my headphones and I got full goosebumps.”

For Josh, who had recently played their last show with PALM READER (on the same day VOWER performed their first festival), his “inspiration for vocals and melodies have come easier than I’ve ever known it to,” with In The Wake Of Failure allowing him to explore “a lot of really different vocal techniques, and utilise my rage in the song in a way that wasn’t contrived.” For both Josh and Joe, this became the stand-out track on their new EP.

Their four track record Apricity – meaning the warmth of the sun in winter – was the benchmark for their new sound, constructed from Rabea’s prog background and unmistakably riff-heavy sections descended from BLACK PEAKS. Spearheading their music, Josh’s vocals reminisce and build upon the intense vocals from PALM READER. The EP is daring, with bursts of unpredictability and soaring choruses. In terms of the band’s overall direction, Josh comments that they are “not aiming for a sound necessarily, it’s just what we think sounds cool. What we want to play.” Regardless, VOWER is a true passion project, pushing into uncharted territories in heavy music. It is clear the band are very enthusiastic and excited about this new chapter for the band.

Supporting KARNIVOOL for two dates on their Tri Continental Drift Tour, the band properly got together for the first time to rehearse a few days before their set. They’ve later taken this show on the road in the UK at ArcTanGent, 2000trees and Radar, as well as further afield at Cologne’s Euroblast progressive music festival.

The reception of the project has been really positive for the band with Joe commenting that they’re “all very lucky to be in a band driving to a show to perform to a bunch of people, playing music that we all really care about and all really stand behind.” Josh adding with a smile , “it’s absolutely outrageous. We expected with the notoriety that the other bands have that we had, we thought there would be a bit of a reception, but we never expected it to be received as well as it had been!”

Apricity is out now via self-release.

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