quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2025


(Dying Victims Productions)
Rating: 7.5

Eagerly anticipated, after witnessing the Texas tribe at Legions Of Metal festival, last year. On album #2, Mean Mistreater dish another helping of their gritty/greasy ‘70s inspired barroom hard rock: loud guitars & louder, caustic whiskey hoarsed vocals (courtesy of Janiece Gonzalez). This ain’t for the faint of heart.

Speedy, six-string driven “One Survivor” lays heavily on the wah wah pedal, without losing aggression, or becoming stoner material. The aggro quotient continues with “Nothing’s Free” (In the words of Nigel Tufnel, “Listen to that sustain.”) To start, “Walk With Fire” gets a little artsy (complete with military cadence snare drumming), but quickly returns to familiar ground (low lit, stale beer smelling dive bars), with a fist-thrusting anthem for denizens of the same.

The title track jumps in the deep end, feet first: rapid picking, locomotive chugging (pace, as well as downing beers)! Only a slight stumble, the autobiographical “Road Dogs” comes across as more CBGBs than down & dirty Dixie, but a minor complaint. “Three Of Swords” (Tarot card depicting sorrow & grief) ushers in another mid-tempo gallop.

Coming full circle, the “Release The Wolf” finale is a storm of almost distorted riffs at ear splitting volume. What’s not to love? Kick out the jams…if you haven’t been sold, you’re too old! Otherwise, secure a copy, as soon as possible.

Release date: February 21st, 2025

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