quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2024



A cinematic soundtrack wash of airy keyboards ("Cosmovision") greets the listener. What has happened? Fret not, as the Chilean traditional metallers kick into high gear with "Real Nightmares", the first proper (real?) song. Few contemporary acts have such a vintage feel. Imagine a mix of Flight, Unto Others and Nestor (not that Lucifer's Hammer sounds specifically like any of the aforementioned), for the prevailing vibe.

Even the punchy opening lyrical track takes a dynamic left turn, midway through, before returning home, in the final stretch. Both guitars get a workout. The vintage (early NWOBHM) sound of hard rocking "Glorious Night" is backed by shuffle drumming, before (temporarily) descending into mellow tones/pacing. Like its predecessor, it too will end much as it began, on a up note.

"Antagony" starts more restrained than the others, and adds a bit of falsetto vocals from single-named guitarist Hades. One for the fans of Nestor! For the first time, the accented English (second) language is evident. A more forceful/piercing high scream introduces the narrative voice-over piece entitled "Son Of Earth". This twin lead offering has more of a legitimate Warlord essence than the recent reformation act's album. Keeping the tempo upbeat, "The Fear Of Anubis" is a full-bore instrumental, full of swirling guitars. Even without lyrics, it's the showpiece (and not without yet another time change, or two).

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